
Seriously injured man in court over attack on London Street in Norwich

The man, in his 30s, suffered serious injuries to his face and head in an attack on London Street shortly after 1am on September 5.

Brian McCadie, 40, appeared in custody at Norwich Magistrates' Court charged with grievous bodily harm and assaulting a paramedic.

He only confirmed his name and date of birth and did not comment on any of the allegations.

READ MORE: Police cordon on London Street in Norwich city centre

Prosecutor Josephine Jones said he was accused of kicking and punching the man even after he was unconscious.

The court was told that the incident was recorded on video surveillance.

McCadie, of no fixed address, was arrested on Riverside Road and is accused of spitting at police officers.

Judges said the seriousness of the charges meant they could only be tried at Norwich Crown Court.

He was remanded in custody and must remain in prison until a preliminary hearing on October 4.