
Steroids found in Scottish prisons rise from 1% to 10% in four years

Steroids found in Scottish prisons rise from 1% to 10% in four years

Percentage of samples seized annually in Scottish prisons that tested positive for one or more anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS). Source: Drug testing and analysis (2024). DOI: 10.1002/dta.3790

Researchers at the university's Leverhulme Research Centre of Forensic Science (LRCFS), part of the School of Science and Engineering, made the discovery as part of a collaboration with the Scottish Prison Service (SPS).

Their findings were published in a new paper entitled “Changing trends in anabolic-androgenic steroid use within Scottish prisons” in the journal Drug testing and analysis.

The researchers analyzed 3,896 suspected drug samples, all seized in Scottish prisons between January 2019 and August 2023.

Of the samples analyzed in 2019, anabolic steroids androgens (AAS) were found in less than 1%, compared to more than 10% in 2023.

Various types of AAS have been found and they were the third most common drug detected in Scottish prisons in 2023.

Most of these steroid medications (77%) were in tablet form and were available in a variety of bright colors.

AAS compounds were also found in powders, herbal material, a fragmented soap bar sample and in vaporizers. In many cases, ASA was found together with other illicit substances.

Steroids found in Scottish prisons rise from 1% to 10% in four years

Dr. Lorna Nisbet. Image credit: University of Dundee

Dr Lorna Nisbet, senior lecturer at LRCFS who was involved in the study, said: “The research shows a significant increase in steroid compounds in prisons, and they are being detected in forms we would not normally expect to see them, such as herbal materials and vaporizers.”

“Many of these materials contain a combination of different drugs in varying amounts, making it difficult for individuals to know exactly what they are taking or in what dosage.”

“When using these drugs, people may unknowingly use multiple drugs. The effects of these drugs in combination with others can be particularly problematic.”

Polydrug use – the use of more than one substance at the same time – was prevalent in 81% of all drug misuse deaths in 2023, new data on drug-related deaths recently published by the National Records of Scotland shows.

“Polytoxicological use can increase the toxic effects of drugs, prolong their effects on the person and increase negative side effects,” Lorna said.

“It is important that those working in prisons are aware of the drugs that may be being used so that they can provide the necessary support and respond more effectively to emerging risks.

“This is one of the reasons we work with SPS as it has enabled rapid identification of changing drug use patterns and trends in the Scottish prison system.”

Lorna added: “There is no routine testing for steroids in the UK, but these data suggest that their use may be increasing and that greater monitoring of these drugs may be needed.”

Further information:
Caitlyn Norman et al., Changing trends in anabolic and androgenic steroid use in Scottish prisons: detection, prevalence and quantification, Drug testing and analysis (2024). DOI: 10.1002/dta.3790

Provided by the University of Dundee

Quote: Steroids found in Scottish prisons rise from 1% to 10% in four years (2024, September 6), accessed September 6, 2024 from

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