
London biker group fights against parking fees for motorbikes in Hackney

An independent London motorcycle group is trying to raise £20,000 to sue Hackney Council over parking charges for two-wheelers in the borough.

Save London Motorcycling began fundraising in August and has since raised £7,375. Their efforts have been supported by the Motorcycle Action Group and the British Motorcyclists Federation.

Since June 10, Hackney has introduced parking charges for motorbikes, despite years of backlash from local motorcyclists. In October 2022, hundreds of motorcyclists held a demonstration, and a subsequent petition received more than 7,500 signatures.

Motorcycles and scooters parked

Under the new rules, motorcyclists visiting the borough will have to pay £1 per hour to park, which can be expensive if parked regularly and for long periods. Permits have been introduced for locals, which will be fully in force from 2026/27. Here, parking for the largest motorcycles, over 2001cc, will cost £596 for 12 months, but motorcycles of this size are likely to be few and far between in London.

“We are fighting against this because we have good reasons,” said a spokesman for Save London Motorcycling. “This is a strong signal to all city councils.”

“They plan to charge commuters up to £10 for all-day parking, which adds up to £2,300 a year. We cannot let them get away with this.”

Urban motorcyclist rides through the city

They intend to take the local authority to court on a number of grounds, including their failure to balance the objective of reducing motorcycle use with the responsibility to provide adequate parking for motorcycles.

Hackney Borough Council was contacted but declined to comment.