
Thika family in agony after PP2 student collapses during cross country games at school

A family in Thika, Kiambu County is seeking justice following the mysterious death of their 8-year-old son, a student at Pebbles Academy.

The family of Patrick Bahati has accused the school of forcing their son to participate in the school's cross-country games despite the deceased's mother giving strict instructions to exempt her son from the games.

Teachers at the school said the boy collapsed towards the end of the four-kilometer march and was taken to hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Citizen TV accompanied the family and friends of the late Bahati as they gathered at his family's property at Flame Tree Estate in Makongeni following his sudden and tragic death.

What began as a normal school day for the PP2 student ended tragically with a call to his disbelieving family that their son was no longer alive.

Bahati's mother is suing Pebbles Academy, where the boy attends, and accusing the school administration of not telling the truth.

“We are still waiting for a response from the school because I have not heard anything that could give me a definite explanation as to what exactly happened to my son. Everyone I have spoken to has told me something different,” said Ann Wawira.

“The school called Patrick's mother and told her that Patrick was participating in the cross-country race and passed out on the way. The school is trying to cover its tracks, it is showing no compassion and is causing more pain to the family,” added Nduta Muniu, a family friend.

Wawira, who was out of town on a business trip at the time of the tragedy, said her son made an upsetting phone call to her just minutes before the Games were due to begin, begging her to tell the school he did not want to participate.

However, the grieving mother says that despite clear instructions to the school that her son should not participate in the games, the school defied her wishes and forced her son to complete the four-kilometer march, which was ultimately too much for him.

“The principal told me that this child sat down and said he was tired. So I didn't get a good statement that I could tell someone that this happened to my child. Patrick was the second born; the first is Mureithi, and Patrick has now passed away. My son was a very happy person, a very obedient boy,” she noted.

Zipporah Kanario, another family friend, added: “Mtoto alipotolewa kwa gari nilikuwa hapo na kwa hakika tulipokea mtoto tukamwingiza ndani lakini from my observation, alikuwa anatoa povu kwa mdomo na hakuwa na puls kwa mkono.” Huyo mtoto alikuwa ame-pass .”

In a statement, however, the school absolved itself of any blame or wrongdoing and said the student was accompanied on the way by two teachers who had taken all necessary emergency precautions when he fainted.

The statement continued: “Patrick was helped into the van. He then slumped on the seat and appeared to lose consciousness. The team arrived at Avenue Hospital Thika. Unfortunately, doctors were unable to stabilize the child's condition and he died during the treatment phase.”

Thika Police Commander Lawrence Muchangi says investigators are waiting for an autopsy report to proceed with their investigation into the death.

Bahati will be buried on Saturday at the family home in Embu County.