
Do you have a favorite emergency food recipe? Erie County wants you to submit it

BUFFALO, NY (WKBW) — “It’s never too early to prepare for an emergency,” said Sarah Gatti, chair of the Buffalo and Erie County Food Policy Council.

To encourage people to stock up on non-perishable foods, the district is sponsoring the “Emergency Eats Recipe Challenge.”

They want the public to submit their favorite recipes for dishes that can be made using pantry items.

Entries should cost no more than $10 to make and require minimal cooking skills or elaborate equipment.

The competition categories include the most imaginative, the healthiest, the best cultural representations and the most cost-effective.

Prizes include a tote bag, a $25 gift card to your favorite grocery store, a copy of the recipe book… “and bragging rights,” Gatti said.

To submit your recipe, follow this link.

Gatti had some advice for people stockpiling supplies.

“Buy things you actually want to eat during an extreme weather event, and for some people on a tight budget, stocking up can be difficult, so we recommend picking up one to two things each time you shop,” Gatti said.

Submissions must be made by September 30th.