
Fuming Mouth hits us with “Metal On Metal”

Last year Smoking mouth with her second studio album “Last Day of the Sun” the Death Metal scene. The band is not going to rest long on their milestone – with “Metal on metal” There are now brand new sounds for your ears.

This is what the new single “Metal On Metal” by Fuming Mouth sounds like

The new single was recorded in the same breath as the current studio album. Just like “Last Day of the Sun” has producers Kurt Ballou (including Code Orange) again on the music of Smoking mouth contributed.

The album is thematically dedicated to the fight against leukemia, which singers and guitarists Mark Whelan had to live through. “Metal On Metal” takes a new direction and instead addresses other destructive forces.

Whelan comments on the latest single as “Equal parts death metal and hardcore. Start headbanging and moshing.”

Are you still waiting? Click here for “Metal On Metal”:


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The single follows “Daylight again” and its B-side “Timeless”which were released in spring. On this album, the band searches for hope after being repeatedly confronted with death.

Photo: Dennis Coleman / Official Press Photo