
WATCH: Donald Trump says he will review cases of 'political prisoners' and pardon them 'on day one'

MOSINEE, WISCONSIN: Donald Trump made a campaign stop in Mosinee, Wisconsin, and spoke on a variety of issues, including “political prisoners” who are wrongfully held in prisons.

On Saturday, September 7, the former president addressed the enthusiastic crowd, saying, “Once we win, we will immediately review the cases of every single political prisoner who has been unjustly victimized by the (Kamala) Harris regime, and I will sign their pardons on day one.”

Trump continued: “We will completely overhaul Kamala's corrupt Justice Department and turn the Justice Department back into the finest law enforcement agency in the world. Instead of going after Republicans, they will focus on dismantling bloodthirsty cartels, transnational gangs and radical Islamic terrorists.”

Donald Trump is conducting an intensive election campaign in the state of Wisconsin

This was Donald Trump's fourth rally in Wisconsin this campaign cycle, after addressing supporters in Green Bay, Waukesha and Racine. Aside from those events, he also appeared at a town hall meeting in La Crosse last week, jsonline reports.

During his event in Mosinee, the Republican presidential candidate also spoke about bringing order to government departments. “We are working with Robert Kennedy Jr. and will fight corruption at the FDA, the CDC, the World Health Organization and other public health institutions that are dominated by corporate power,” he said.

(Getty Images)
Donald Trump addressed the crowd in Mosinee, Wisconsin, on Saturday, September 8 (Getty Images)

Internet users express their strong opinion on Donald Trump’s “pardon” remark

There were mixed reactions on the Internet to Donald Trump’s statement about “political prisoners.”

One user said on X: “Is this the guy who says he's for the rule of law? J6 insurgents deserve to rot in prison.”

“The crazy J6 Trumpets feel betrayed because he lied to them for 3.5 years after only recently admitting to losing the 2020 election 'by a whisker,'” wrote another.

One person said: “Pardoning violent insurgents should not be a campaign promise, it should be unthinkable.”

“Kamala stands for justice and accountability. No pardons for violence against law enforcement or democracy,” one person criticized Trump's statement.

As one supporter put it, “Trump’s vision for America is rooted in strength, prosperity and putting the American people above all else.”

“Good. You won't get due process anyway. You have rights!”, said one

“Well the J6 committee deleted gigabytes of evidence. The cases should all be dismissed as you tampered with and withheld all the evidence,” another shared.

This article contains statements made by individuals and organizations on the Internet. MEAWW cannot independently verify these and does not endorse any claims or opinions expressed on the Internet.