
72 kilos less without dieting: I lost weight with these 2 tips

Maria Kirkeland’s before/after weight loss results.

Maria Kirkeland’s before/after weight loss results.
Marie Kirkeland

Maria Kirkeland lost 72 kilograms sustainably by counting calories and eating more protein.

Kirkeland struggled with her weight for over a decade and felt trapped in a binge-restrict cycle.

Strength training and working on her mindset helped her lose weight in a healthy way.

Maria Kirkeland had been trying to lose weight for over a decade, but she always ended up over-restricting, bingeing, and gaining more and more weight. It wasn't until the 37-year-old from near Oslo, Norway, learned about calories, protein, and strength training that she began to lose weight sustainably.

Kirkeland lost 150 pounds in two years and, as she told Business Insider, never felt hungry. She attributes this to two main strategies: counting calories, which kept her from eating too little, and eating plenty of protein to stay full.

The advent of weight-loss drugs has led to a shift in thinking, as more people understand that maintaining a healthy weight is not just about willpower. Kirkeland has lost weight without drugs, but it took a lot of effort.

A binge-restrict cycle

As a child, Kirkeland says she was bullied for being overweight. At the age of twelve, she began eating as little as possible – not only did Kirkeland lose weight, but she also stopped her menstrual cycle. This was so extreme that her parents suggested sending her away to get help, which sparked an immediate change in Kirkeland. From that point on, Kirkeland began gaining weight.

“I didn't know how to deal with the emotions I was having around the bullying and the negative thoughts,” Kirkeland said, “so I turned to food for comfort instead, and that's how I ended up eating in secret.”

Kirkeland said her weight gradually increased until her mid-twenties, but things got worse with the COVID-19 pandemic. “I just lost everything.” “I was very depressed,” she said, “I was very isolated, and I think that led to me having a terrible relationship with food, eating very poorly and really not getting out of the house.”

Kirkeland tried to lose weight several times but apparently found herself in a binge-restrict cycle, she said. She tried cutting out foods she perceived as “bad” and eating as little as possible, but that wasn't sustainable and she ended up overeating the foods she was denying herself.

“I was eating a lot of snacks, ice cream, chocolate, very high-calorie foods, and then I felt terrible,” she said. “Then I said, 'I'm going on a diet. I'm not going to eat ice cream anymore. I'm never going to eat chocolate again. I'm going to lose weight.' And that lasted for a few days and then you collapse.”

Maria Kirkeland experienced many new benefits of being “thin,

Maria Kirkeland experienced many new benefits of being thin, she says.
Mary Kirkeland

Tip 1: Counting calories was educational

In July 2022, Kirkeland decided to try losing weight again, but differently. She downloaded Tiktok and followed some qualified weight loss coaches. “The common denominator in all the things they said was: Don't be perfect, just be consistent,” Kirkeland said. They knew that a calorie deficit was the only way to lose weight, so Kirkeland decided to try calorie counting.

“I was very afraid of going back to my old way of thinking,” she said, referring to her youth when she ate so little. But Kirkeland decided to find out if she could count calories in a healthy way – and she did.

While you don't necessarily have to count calories to lose weight, calories always count. Counting calories can be an unhealthy obsession for some people and therefore isn't suitable for everyone, but for others it can be a useful tool.

As someone with a mathematical mind, Kirkeland enjoyed learning about the nutritional content of different foods. It took the guesswork out of losing weight and showed her how much she could eat and still lose weight, she says.

“When I was trying to lose weight before, I valued it more, and I think that caused me to undereat, which then caused me to crash because I was so hungry,” she said.

By counting calories, Kirkeland always felt full, even as she lowered her goal as she lost more weight. “I never really felt hungry, which was very nice, and I still lost it,” she says.

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Although Kirkeland enjoyed counting calories, she wasn't obsessed with it and took breaks on holidays like Christmas or during the holidays, she said. At first, Kirkeland didn't really change the foods she ate, but over time she began to incorporate more nutrient-dense foods into her diet and focus on protein.

Kirkeland says she now eats more vegetables, fish and lean meat than she used to. She drinks more water and cooks at home, and she eats less processed foods. She hasn't cut out any foods completely, though. “I have a huge love of sweets, and I only allow myself to enjoy things in moderation,” she says.

Tip 2: Protein and strength training

Kirkeland began strength training in hopes of building muscle mass. She made sure to eat plenty of protein because it is filling, helps muscles recover and grow after exercise, and helps you burn fat rather than muscle when you are in a calorie deficit.

Kirkeland had always done endurance sports before, but she knew strength training was important. They started with bodyweight exercises once a week and built up from there. “Over the last 12 months, I've really focused on getting strong, doing deadlifts and challenging myself.” Getting stronger also gave Kirkeland a mental boost. “I saw that I was able to challenge myself and do things that I previously thought were difficult.”

Kirkeland is now treated differently

Changing her mindset about food didn't happen overnight, and Kirkeland says she still has to fight the voice in her head that makes her feel guilty about eating. She focused on developing healthy habits and tried not to panic when her weight fluctuates upward some days.

Kirkeland would like to lose a little more weight, but she is aware that she can't lose too much, so she has asked her boyfriend and friends to speak up if she can't see it herself.

Since losing weight, Kirkeland has noticed she's treated differently. “People are definitely nicer when you're thinner, which is sad when you think about it, but the privilege of being thin is a very real thing,” she said.

“I feel freer. And I'm not so afraid to try new things anymore.”

Overall, Kirkeland says she feels much happier and more confident after losing weight. Her weight no longer holds her back, and she finally ventured out on a zip line after years of dreading it.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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