
Evidence of drug influence: serious head-on crash in Saarland

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DILLINGEN. In the early hours of Sunday morning, there was a serious traffic accident between two cars on the L174 between Beckingen and Dillingen/Saar. The two vehicles involved were driving in opposite directions on the L174.

For reasons unknown, the perpetrator drove completely into oncoming traffic. An oncoming vehicle was able to avoid the collision, but the vehicle behind it was unable to Despite evasive maneuvers, a collision cannot be preventedThe two vehicles collided with the front of the vehicle in the passenger side areaBoth cars were severely damaged. The person who caused the accident was slightly injured, while the other driver was seriously injured. Both were taken to nearby hospitals and the vehicles were towed away.

During the accident investigation, strong evidence of drug influence the person responsible. A blood sample was taken from her in the hospital. She now faces criminal proceedings for endangering road traffic and negligent bodily harm. (Source: Saarlouis Police Department)

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