
Humble Summer Narrative Celebration Bundle with 7 games is available

There is a new Humble Game Bundle available for you: the “Summer Narrative Celebration Bundle”. Depending on the level, it contains up to seven games. As the name suggests, these are titles that focus particularly on the narrative. It could also be something for fans of well-told stories.

You can get started for as little as 3.59 euros. For that you get the three games “Suzerain”, “Death and Taxes” and “Genesis Noir”. There are also discount coupons for “100XResist” (25%) and “Suzerain: Kingdom of Rivia” (20%). At the middle level for 8.99 euros you get the two games “The Pale Beyond” and “Do Not Feed the Monkeys 2099”.

You can take the complete package with you if you put at least 10.79 euros on the table. Then you'll also get the titles “A Space for the Unbound” and “A Highland Song”. As always, with your purchase you can support charitable organizations, the developers and also the blog here.

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