
Trump threatens “bloody” deportation of illegal immigrants and prison for those who deny him the presidency

WASHINGTON: MAGA Supremo Donald Trump warned of a “bloody” expulsion of “millions” of illegal immigrants from the USA if he becomes president, while threatening prosecute And Jail those who question what he believes to be his inevitable future to the White House in November.
In his campaign speeches, Trump now conjures up, in increasingly erratic and confused moments, apocalyptic scenarios of internment camps and mass deportations of illegal immigrants, telling his MAGA supporters that the invaders are taking over their homes and the US is becoming “Venezuela on steroids.”
“Getting them out is going to be a bloody affair,” Trump said in a 100-minute, muddled speech at a MAGA rally in Wisconsin, during which he made the absurd prediction that 100 million illegal immigrants would come into the country – increasing the U.S. population by 30 percent – if Kamala Harris became president.
According to estimates by reputable organizations such as the Pew Research Center and the Center for Immigration Studies, there are currently between 11 and 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), which is considered in some circles to be a hate group with ties to white supremacists, puts the number at 16.8 million. Even the most extreme estimates do not even come close to the 25 million per year that Trump is throwing out.
In addition, Trump threatened his political opponents with prosecution and prison sentences for what he said was rampant “fraud and trickery” by the Democrats in the 2020 presidential election, which he said could happen again.
“Therefore, the 2024 elections, where voting has just begun, will be closely monitored by professionals and IF I WIN, the people who CHEATED will be punished to the fullest extent possible under the law, including long prison sentences, so that this perversion of justice is not repeated,” he wrote in a message captioned “STOP PERCEIVING” that he posted on his social media platform.
“We cannot allow our country to degenerate any further into a third world country, AND WE WILL NOT! Please be aware that these legal consequences extend to lawyers, political activists, donors, illegal voters and corrupt election officials. All those who behave unscrupulously will be tracked down, caught and prosecuted on a scale that has unfortunately never been seen before in our country,” he threatened.
US courts have repeatedly rejected Trump's challenges to the results of the 2020 presidential election, which he lost by a whopping 7 million votes and in the Electoral College. Many analysts believe that Trump's dire threats and predictions are a sign of panic and that he is setting the stage from the start to challenge any election result that goes against him.