
Cold Case Sabine B. in court

The trial of more than 30 years old cold case begins

Who murdered horse girl Sabine?


The police have been searching for Sabine's murderer for more than 30 years

from Michaela Johannssen

Sabine’s parents have been tormented by uncertainty for 31 years.

The criminal investigation department was not involved in the search for the 13-year-old's murderer. In 1993, the teenager's body was found in a slurry pit. It took over 30 years for the cold case to come before a court. The Würzburg public prosecutor's office believed it could convict a perpetrator.

Does DNA convict the perpetrator?

Now Judge Dr. Thomas Schuster at the Würzburg Regional Court must decide whether to acquit the suspect Torsten E. (47) or convict him of murder. A mammoth trial. 60 days of hearings are planned to clarify whether it was the then 17-year-old war between the car mechanic and apprentice that mistreated and killed Sabine and hid her in a manure pit at the horse farm.

Newly analyzed DNA traces, which were evaluated using modern technology, are a serious incrimination against Torsten E. Forensic scientists were able to detect genetic traces of E. on the girl's panties and also at the crime scene. When the charges are read out, he shakes his head several times. At the start of the trial, E. does not comment on the accusations against him. According to his lawyer Hans-Jochen Schrepfer, the man protests his innocence. He hopes that this trial ends with an acquittal for him, because he did not kill Sabine.

Video: Double murderer caught – cold case solved after 30 years