
Commissioner: It is regrettable that some victims were not informed about the early release of the perpetrators

Baroness Newlove described this as “regrettable” on the eve of the release of hundreds of inmates from prisons in England and Wales on Tuesday in a bid to tackle prison overcrowding.

She said early release was “tormenting for many victims, as they rightly expect the perpetrators to serve the sentence imposed by the court.”

She called for “robust release plans” and said people's safety should not be compromised “in any way”. Anyone found to be in breach of the terms of their licence should be sent back behind bars immediately.

The Victims' Commissioner for England and Wales acknowledged that the prison overcrowding situation had “reached a tipping point and the Government no longer had any easy solutions”.

However, she stressed that the safety of victims “must be the absolute priority” and urged that the probation service be provided with sufficient resources to enable offenders to be reintegrated into society.

She said: “From the outset, my focus has been on reviewing release agreements with ministers and officials and ensuring that victims' concerns are addressed at the highest level. My priority is that the safety of victims is not compromised in any way.”

“A thorough risk assessment and sound release plans are of paramount importance. The probation service will play a crucial role in managing these offenders in society and must have the resources to do so.

“It is also imperative that anyone who breaches the terms of their sentence is immediately returned to custody, regardless of the pressure on the prison population. This is vital for public safety and to reassure victims.

“Clear and timely communication with victims is critical to building trust. From the outset, I have sought to ensure that all affected victims are informed of early release dates and have the opportunity to request protective measures.

“I understand that this was not possible in all cases and that some victims were unaware of their perpetrator's early release. While I recognise the difficulties in reaching certain groups of victims, this is regrettable and must be addressed.

“As Victims' Ombudsman, I am concerned about the impact of these early releases on victims' trust in our justice system. It is vital that our approach is guided by transparency and rigorous scrutiny. Victims' safety must remain our top priority.

“Now we owe it to the victims to ensure that we quickly put our justice system on a more sustainable footing.”

Downing Street admitted that it had been “incredibly difficult” for victims to learn that the perpetrators would be released before serving their sentences.

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer said at the weekend that he had been forced into office because the previous Conservative government had failed to create sufficient prison capacity.