
Kamala Harris' biggest opponent is Joe Biden

But one of the biggest problems for Kamala Harris remains inflation. Although the Biden-Harris administration has handled the challenges of the pandemic well – economic growth and low unemployment are both at record levels – many Americans are still suffering from significantly increased prices.

A daily look at the price boards at gas stations across the country makes it clear: Under Donald Trump, gasoline prices have never been as high as they are now in any of his years in office. And that's despite the fact that prices have already fallen significantly. Americans are currently still paying $3.50 per gallon, which equates to a price of €0.73 per liter. Under Donald Trump, the average monthly prices between January 2017 and January 2021 are always below the $3 mark, and in some places even below the $2 mark. By American standards, prices are still far too high and are low in all areas.

Kamala Harris tried this in recent weeks: As president, she would take action against excessive prices, i.e. intervene directly in the market. An idea that makes it easy for Donald Trump and the Republicans to exaggerate her as an anti-capitalist and communist.

Even if the bipartisan compromise on a restrictive border policy ultimately fails because of Donald Trump and the Republicans, the main thing that will stick in the minds of the American public is that the problem of illegal migration, which affects millions of people, remained unresolved under the Biden-Harris administration. Kamala Harris, as Vice President, was never directly responsible for border security. But as Biden's representative for dealing with migration issues, she was directly involved in the government's efforts to get the situation at the southern border under control. Trump and the Republicans therefore refer to Harris as the “border czar” who did not do her job properly.

So far, the Democrat has repeatedly pointed out in her election campaign that she once took action against criminal gangs from the South as a prosecutor in California. It is doubtful whether that will be enough to convince critical voters. Nevertheless, her political program published on Monday contains only sparse words: As president, she will reintroduce the bipartisan border security law and then sign it, it says. It does not say what majority is needed to achieve this.

Kamala Harris will perhaps only get the one chance in this debate to present herself as an electable alternative to Donald Trump, but also to Joe Biden. How difficult this will be is also due to the fact that she has been vice president for almost four years and is therefore held partly responsible for Biden's policies. On the other hand, she is not a political heavyweight and has not been able to set her own accents in domestic or foreign policy. No matter how chaotic the Trump era may still be in many people's memories. In large parts of the American public, he is perceived as a stronger leader precisely because, unlike her, he has already been president.