
Zakynthos: 69-year-old man arrested for shooting and injuring a dog

A 69-year-old man from the area was arrested yesterday, Monday, September 9, by officers of the Marine Department of Zakynthosin the context of the spontaneous proceedings for violation of the laws on animal protection and weapons.

Specifically, the 69-year-old man was identified and arrested by police officers investigating a complaint for shooting and injuring a local resident's dog with a hunting weapon in the area of ​​Agia Marina on Zakynthos in the early hours of yesterday morning.

As part of the preliminary investigation carried out by the Alykes Police, the 69-year-old offender's shotgun, which he was found to have possessed illegally, was confiscated, while in addition the administrative fine of He was also fined 50,000 euros.

The arrested man was handed over to the Public Prosecutor of the Plenary Court of Zakynthos.