
Trump's campaign team fires off a flood of negative advertising

The is president The race has been turned on its head over the past two months, but a Donald Trump rally is still a Donald Trump rally. Thousands of supporters flocked to see him at a recent rally in southwestern Pennsylvania. As usual, vendors sold a variety of ever-evolving merchandise to satisfy all sorts of needs MAGA fans. (“If you don’t wear a Trump hat, you might be mistaken for a Democrat,” warned one winking sales clerk.) A breakdancer wearing a Trump mask performed for people standing in a line that wound around a corner and up a hill. Attendees mocked or ignored the handful of anti-Trump protesters outside. And Mr. Trump was himself, bragging to his adoring fans about how he had mastered “the weave.” He explained: “I talk about about nine different things, and they all fit together brilliantly, and then it’s like, friends of mine who are English professors say, ‘This is the most genius thing I’ve ever seen.’”