
Trump and Harris visit 9/11 memorial

They had never met before Tuesday night's debate, but on Wednesday morning Harris and Trump will meet again at the same location to commemorate the September 11 attacks.

Harris is expected to attend a service at Memorial Plaza at Ground Zero in New York City, as will Trump, according to a source familiar with his plans. Biden will also be there.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden and Harris were present because they “want to remember the 2,977 lives lost on that tragic day and to stand with the families and loved ones who still, still feel terrible pain.”

The service begins at 8:30 a.m. ET.

Harris and Biden – and Trump – will then travel to Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where the Flight 93 memorial is located. It is unclear whether they will be there at the same time.

You can read the whole story here.