
Alberto Fujimori, former president of Peru, died at the age of 86

(CNN) – Peruvian Prime Minister Alberto Fujimori was 86 years old and told Keiko Fujimori that she was present and led the Fuerza Popular party in conversation with X.

Fujimori lost an hour after his doctor, Alejandro Aguinaga, told him he was “lucky” for health reasons.

Fujimori was a controversial figure in his country between 1990 and 2000. His mandate was to punish the country at the border of the economy, although he was also accused of human rights violations and corruption because he was sentenced for decades to 25 years in prison for offenses committed by the California Homicide Division and injuries from the Barrios Altos and La Cantuta cases.

In December 2023, Fujimori demanded a prison sentence when the Constitutional Court of Peru immediately ordered his freedom. The arrest warrant was issued when the Supreme Court's ruling ratified a pretrial case passed in March 2022, which was returned to Fujimori by Kuczynski in December 2017.

Once free, in July 2024, her wife Keiko Fujimori revealed that her father was seeking a long-term presidential candidacy. “We talked and decided together,” Keiko Fujimori said in a message posted on her X account.

Fujimori, a Japanese immigrant, studied at an agricultural university in the capital, Lima, before traveling outside the world to pursue his academic education in the United States and France.

Growing up in Peru, he presented a centralized ambient television program before launching a presidential candidacy in 1989 and then leading a new party in 1990 that eventually turned its back on the writer Mario Vargas Llosa, later winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Fujimori inherited a country in economic crisis. After accepting the cargo, they deployed economic policy known as “Fujishock” and responded with the flood.

Also, the rebellious movement “Sendero Luminoso”, one of the most antiquated Latin American guerrilla groups, called on Victoria after capturing the leader of the group, Abimael Guzmán, responsible for several decades of deaths. Only recently he had a maneuver of a Rehenes-Toma that had been rebelling for several months by part of another group that rebelled in the residence of the Japanese ambassador the Valió elogios internacionales.

For some Peruvians, Fujimori's internal affairs had to transform a marginalized politician into the man the country needed. But the president has an authoritarian veto and uses the security forces to repress his opponents. The surgeon is immediately accused of abuse and corruption, which have left him uneasy in the eyes of the public.

At the age of 90, Fujimori's colleague Susana Higuchi publicly declared herself corrupt and confirmed that her family had been illegally sold to Japan. After the couple divorced, Fujimori installed his daughter Keiko as the first Peruvian woman before her second mandate.

In 2000, Fujimori presented a new mandate before abandoning the constitutionality of the new Constitutional Court. Ganó, that's what your main candidate was against the electoral fraud issue.

But his administration was already spectacular before this year, when he filtered out the videos of Vladimiro Montesinos because more than a decade ago he had forced the intellectual to take Montesinos to a congressman. The scandal quickly dissipated as soon as the surgeon released numerous incriminating videos.

Fujimori had failed to get anything done, but his position in the public eye was about to change. Many Peruvians do not wait for conventions and insist that they have fallen victim to the abuse of their owner and the deceit of their main owner.

In November, during a trip to Japan, Fujimori intended to renounce the Peruvian presidency and sent a fax to his home announcing his resignation. The medication left the country's political panorama in chaos. To date, the Congress of Peru has been contemptuous and extremely “morally incompetent” towards the governor.

Having worked in Japan for several years, I am convinced that he will address the top politicians in Peru the next day. In the middle of 2000, he was preparing to make a political repentance through Chile, but was immediately arrested and eventually extradited to Peru to denounce human rights violations and other abuses.

When Fujimori was imprisoned in recent years due to his deteriorating health, he was limited to four different sentences.

In 2009, a special court of the Supreme Judiciary sentenced him to 25 years in prison for acting as a necromancer accused by the civilian population. In retrospect, the bailiff was also found guilty of harassing Montesinos' home, stealing incriminating videos, creating a public account to accuse spy officers and making illegal phone calls to lawmakers and journalists.

In December 2017, Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski received a medical pardon for his abuses against humanity. Kuczynski's office issued a statement at that moment declaring that Fujimori “imposes a progressive, degenerate and incurable disease” and agreeing that “the living conditions are of importance to her life, health and integrity.”

“Be aware that the result during my term was well received by one man, but reconstruct what the other man did and he also deceived other compatriots. “It was not possible for me to die for the bottom of my hearts,” Fujimori said in a video snapped from his hospital ward and posted on Twitter in 2017. But the misfortune sparked violent protests in the capital of Lima and drew criticism from generalized critics of organized crime, people and lawmakers.

In 2018, the National Defense Authority of Peru presented a communication on Kuczynski's decision, noting that the Supreme Court did not grant him a sufficient formal opinion on the doctors who were supposed to assist him. Finally, the parole was annulled and he was sent to prison at the end of 2019.

In March 2022, the Constitutional Court of Peru annulled the legal effects of the Indulge granted in 2017. By March 30, 2022, the Inter-American Judicial Commission for Human Rights (CIDH) asked the Peruvian State to refrain from executing this sentence. After several penalties, Fujimori convinced himself, determined to settle for the fact that the Tomaba era was marked by the good side of the country. Mantuvo has reached the final position.

She said Keiko left the presidency three months ago in 2021. The last campaign resolved an agreement with his father's political problem and reassured voters against the government's remorse. Without embargo, she will also be convicted of her crimes. Ultimately, he was succeeded in the second year by President Pedro Castillo, who accepted the cargo on July 28, 2022 and issued it on December 7, 2022.