
In Gori, Ivanishvili blames outsiders and the UNM for the 2008 war and apologizes “to the Ossetian brothers and sisters” – Civil Georgia

During the campaign rally in the city of Gori, near the Russian occupation line, the leader of the ruling Georgian Dream party, Bidzina Ivanishvili, blamed the 2008 war on “external forces” and the then Georgian government. He said the Georgian people would “find it in themselves to apologize.” He made no mention of Russia's responsibility for the military invasion and occupation, which continues to this day.

Ivanishvili said:

“Today we are clear that the August 2008 war was not the wish of either the Georgian or the Ossetian people. Therefore, if we expose those who ordered the bloody conflict between the brothers and bring to justice those who committed this most serious crime, the need to restore relations will inevitably come to the agenda. I promise you that the Georgian Nuremberg trial [against the United National Movement officials] will take place very soon and will be one of the prerequisites for reconciliation.

“The ability to face reality – however harsh it may have been – has always been one of the strengths of Georgians. Against the backdrop of twelve years of uninterrupted peace, I am even more convinced that admitting our own mistakes and remembering the centuries-old brotherhood and friendship between Georgians and Ossetians will be the first steps on the path that will give people on both sides of the dividing line the determination to restore trust.”

Immediately after the elections on October 26, when the instigators of the war will be brought to justice and all the culprits who destroyed Georgian-Ossetian brotherhood and coexistence will receive their deserved and harshest judicial verdict, we will apologize for the fact that the traitorous “National Movement” set fire to our Ossetian sisters and brothers on orders. And since forgiveness is one of the cornerstones of our common – Georgian and Ossetian – Christian faith, I am confident that the fratricidal confrontation instigated by Georgia's enemies will end with mutual forgiveness and sincere reconciliation.”

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