
Sébastien Delogu admits that he will not betray Marshal Pétain

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The deputy LFI was invited to Sud Radio by Jean-Jacques Bourdin on September 12. “I don't know the story I know, I don't know it,” explained the Insoumis on the antenna. Son Entourage Plaide “l'ironie”.

After the difficulties in the lecture and in the mathematics, Sébastien Delogu read that he thinks about whether he even has gaps in history? I invited this child on September 12 before 12 noon South Radio to the political emission of Jean-Jacques Bourdin and his deputy Insoumis Sébastien Delogu confessed that he was not a traitor of Philippe Pétain. When asked about the comparison of Emmanuel Macron with the late Marshal by Antoine Léaument, he answered in September 2022 about the paraphrase of Bouches-du-Rhône and replied in 2024: “Je n'ai pas vu, non. I don't know what I learned about the story, and I have read it. I don't know that it is Pétain. I spoke to her and said that she is a racist…”.

Afterwards, Jean-Jacques Bourdin was a guest and mentioned another comparison between François Ruffin and Doriot, finished by «certain LFI». In response, Sébastien Delogu was quoted. A few seconds later, the deputy's statement was not enough to follow the main representatives of the National Assembly, and that did not happen “La tête face à l'Histoire de mon pays”.

De “l'ironie”, justify the followers of Delogu

On X (ex-Twitter), the reactions were not lost. “À ce niveau-là, it is limited to the sublime”written by Antonin Ferreira, former parliamentary collaborator of Les Républicains. “Visiblement la racaille Delogu est plus à l'aise dans l'sulte et la haine qu'en teaching d'one fiche en Commission parlementaire”Abonde Aurélia Beigneux, deputy RN. “Pour un élu de la République une telle ignorance est gravissime et indéfendable!”added Robin Ratto, former Senate staffer.

Interviewed by The FigaroEntourage of Sébastien Delogu Plaide l'“Irony”. The deputy aurait has been given a humorous note, a few days after his departure he is being criticized. As I was finishing up a meeting of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly during a budget session, I realized that I had to read my own notes. But on each occasion he was scrupulously diatribe against him «Bruno Le Maire Method»what happens next “September before the decision prices of pure neoliberal ideology” means on the“Explosion du déficit et de la dette”. The additional video of this suspended sentence was forwarded by the parliamentary channel LCP and expressed the slanders of some of the internees.